"It's Just An Audition, Guys!"

So yesterday I got a call(It woke me up by the way! But that's okay<3) from a casting director(Now you know why). I took her class about a week ago and now she's auditioning teens for a commercial!?
I don't know the details, honestly she was pretty vague, but I know she does a lot of Military PSAs, so maybe I'll get one of those? SO cool.
Now I'm in the process of figuring out what to use for my headshot and typing up a resume. Considering I've never auditioned before and I wasn't expecting this, I'm pretty nervous.
I just want them to like me, to think that even if I'm not right for this part, "That girl is nice, we should use her some other time." (There I go seeking approval from others again. Oh Well!)
So today Daddy got home from a business trip, came in my room and asked for my autograph...
Yes, I see how that could be flattering, but mostly it just put the pressure on. Besides, I reeeally don't want my parents to treat me like someone famous. That would be weird. I mean, Mommy came in afterwards and talked about how she just finished reading a book that Steven Tyler wrote and signing stuff for 20 people can take 10 minutes, so I should probably learn to speed up my signature..
Uhmmm, hold on, since when do I have fans?
Oh right. I don't.
It's just an audition, guys!
Calm down!!!

Yes I agree that it is exciting. My first on-camera audition? Oh yeah! But still..
Now I'm a little nervous if my career actually does take off.. My parents will always be my fans, I know that. I just don't want them to be 'fangirls' about it.

Anyways, my mentality going in to this audition in two days is:
Be Bright. Be Brave. Be Brief. Be Gone.
Fingers crossed.

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