The "Big" Questions

Lately I've been in a funk of sorts. But when I really think about it, I've been in it for a long time, but I'm an actor so I pretend. I even fool myself sometimes. The reality is, I'm depressed. I don't know how to fix it. &I don;t know the answers to any of these questions-
Who am I?
Why was I put on the planet?
Who are my friends?
Do I have any friends?
Where is home?
Am I just damaged goods?
Have I made bad decisions that I can never come back from?
Am I talented at anything?
Am I alone in everything?
Will I ever find true love?
If I find love, will I know it?
Will I always feel this empty?
Will I ever feel like I am making progress?
Does anyone truly understand me?
Am I ever going to feel anything but numb?
Is my life just a lie?

The list goes on. I need to find purpose. I have no friends. I'm in a foreign place. I don't have school or a job to bury myself in. My family is too dysfunctional. There is not one thing in my life that has ever been consistent. Not ONE thing! Not something we do every year on Christmas, or a friend I've have for over 4 years, or a place I've lived all my life. Is that really too much to ask?
Somebody tell me, please.

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