Dr. Seuss-ing my Diary

Alright, so in my last post I started using aliases. This seems like an all around good idea to me for many reasons. In this post I'll explain the name I gave the person and maybe a little about them. As I introduce new people, I'll also post about them.
**NOTE: I might make this a separate page. Like an index of sorts.

Monster- No, he is not mean like a monster. Monster was my first boyfriend and during lunch at school he would conveniently be out of money, so I'd buy him a few monster cookies. (you know the one's with m&m's and all that great stuff in 'em?) Those were his favorite. Hence- Monster. We are actually pretty good friends now I'm proud to say.

Collegiate- This guy was born for college! He's the most studious person I know. He's going to be a doctor, probably graduate early, and is likely to go to an ivy league school. He works crazy hard! He is definitely the Most-Likely-to-Succeed type. He's super nice and a gentleman. We dated and now we're good friends.

Scene- I just met this guy, so I'm not even sure I'll post about him much. Also, it's not that he's a "scene kid" (though he does have bleached hair and a few piercings) but he's an actor. As in- "End Scene!" There's not much of a backstory except that he seems nice. I'll get back to you on this one.

The Poet- This is my best friend. Well, one of them. The story here is so long that I'm not even sure I know it all. He has a bunch of other, real nicknames, but for anonymity's sake- this is it. Why? He seriously talks like a poet! We get in to these deep conversations all the time, mostly about my problems, then he sends me a four page long text that sounds like it came from Deepak Chopra. (There is also potential for me to refer to him as Bear, but we'll see.)

People not yet mentioned-

Princess- My bestiest friend! We stick together even though we're 500 miles apart and our love of all things Disney and Princess brings us together on a daily basis. More to come, because trust me- I'll post about her A LOT.

Buffy- We're in the process of becoming good friends, even though we don't see eye to eye sometimes. She can kick ass and will if she wants to, so don't tempt her. She has a love for all things creepy and is basically The Poet's sister.

Mommy/Daddy- Need not explain

Napoleon- The name we should've given my dog. He's tiny, but doesn't know it.

Sister #1- She's the oldest, and thinks she's the wisest sometimes. More to come later..

Sister #2- She's in the middle, and she rocks, but sometimes she talks too much for her own good. More to come later...


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