
I think starting this blog will be good for me. I've decided that it will be anonymous and stay that way. If people read it, cool, but that's not the point.
For one, I'm too lazy to actually hand-write any of this. Two, I want to write now, and I don't want to wait to buy the right journal. Three, I believe in destiny. Someday someone could read this who really needs to, so I'll share my stories if it'll help someone.
Tumblr used to be my place to vent. Then the anonymity stopped and then it locked me out forever. (Tumblr I hate you.) Then I turned to twitter for the occasional rant, but too many friends have one now. Actually my sister following me is what ended my freedom on there. She doesn't get me and tells my parents way too much. I love her to death, don't get me wrong, but I can't have her on my case all the time.
I'm considering writing a back story so that anyone that reads can understand, but I'm guessing I'll jump right in to posting and we can figure it out together as we go.
So, I can't promise this will be entertaining. at all. But, like I said- it's not about that.

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