Don't get on this girl's bad side, Honey

ERRRG. Im fairly certain that nothing drives me more insane than disrespectful &/or annoying guys. It doesn't matter their age, because they never grow out of some things. And the cockiness can come at any age!
Here's the story:
Tonight after acting class, Mommy&Daddy picked me up and we went to eat at Chili's.
While Daddy was parking the car, Mommy was ordering drinks for the two of them. (Now, my mom had a freak accident a while back that messed with her nose. For those of you that don't know, your nose "tastes" more than your mouth does. So now my mom can barely taste anything.) So She order two House Margaritas and our waiter says something like, "Are you sure you don't want the Presidenta?" No, she said. But it didn't stop there! He kept going on and on saying stuff like, "Well you get your own little shaker", "I'm a bartender and you'll have less of a headache if you drink the good stuff." and "It's the premium vodka". After a while Mommy and I looked at each other then she said, "Fine, two. One with salt, One without." Mommy doesn't like salt on her Margaritas. She also told me that she's been drinking long enough that it doesn't really matter if it's cheap. It's all the same to her, ESPECIALLY since she can't taste it. Also, my mom's a lightweight, so more condensed alcohol does no one any good.
So at that point we were pretty frustrated. Daddy gets to the table and Waiter Dude brings their drinks out& says, "Who had the salt?" Daddy says, "Me" and Waiter Dude goes, "That's the only way to drink it!" As he hands one without salt to Mommy. Uhmm... ok? Cause you know, we all asked for your opinion.
After that he totally rushed us to get him the order, then he brought our appetizer out and said, "That's pretty greasy, I'll get more napkins." .. Hm. That's a really great way to promote your food. Cause I really wanted someone to remind me just how much fat I'm about to consume. Ok, whatever.
So about half way through the meal he stops by the table and says, "Honey, I'm gonna get you another drink." Woah, NO! He was not gay, nor a middle aged southern women. Not okay! It took me by total surprise. All I could do was fake smile.
Looking back on it I should've said:
"Excuse me? Honey?!? That was super inappropriate. First of all, I don't know you. Second of all, I'm at LEAST 10 years younger than you. Third, I'm a minor and I'm trying to have a nice meal with my PARENTS! So don't call me honey, especially after insulting the woman who gave me life and making her buy an even more expensive drink to make you shut the fuck up about it. Which, by the way, wasn't even worth the money as you can clearly see. I'm tempted to rip off your penis right now, so i suggest that scurry on back to the kitchen, get us to-go boxes, and bring us the check with a discount. Otherwise I might need to bring your supervisor in to this and I don't think that they would appreciate you hitting on a minor at work and treating your customers with such poor service. Go. Now. Walk away, Dude."

BUT, I didn't say that. I guess cause I was in shock, but also because I'm too much of a goody-good. I think before I speak(most of the time. unless I'm trying to be cool). And I think about maybe this person is going through a lot, or didn't mean to say that. allll that stuff. But in reality, I'm pretty pissed about the entire situation.

Anyways, That was my Chili's encounter. Other parts of my day included Acting class, Andrea Marchant's Album on repeat(Mostly Seattle), My twitter friends birthday(lots of tweets from celebs for her today!) and the new episode of The Vampire Diaries.
Acting was lots of fun today. We did comedy monologues. I really like the younger class and our sub this week was nice(: At the end we got to play "Honey I love you", and for once, I smiled! I'm normally really good at that game. I must have been having fun.
TVD was AMAZING as always. I definitely cried. Paul Wesley is so amazing. He can be ripping someone to shreds and yet I still feel sorry for him. I need to get a role on that show. It is seriously my mission in life.

Well, I think that's it for now. I'm gonna watch some Felicity then head off to bed.

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